Forms & Guides

Download the form you need by clicking on the PDF symbols.

Learn about the process through these documents below.

As explained on the About page, the administration of the Judges Training scheme is managed by the JPG with involvement from each breed BAC. Currently, the Training itself rules and procedures are as per the P&P 2022 scheme rules, you can download it here.

Training Programme Governance & Administration Document

Flowchart Admin process for forms submissions

Preferred Assessment Judges

You can choose one of these as a breed mentor.

JPG Payment Form

New Method of payment to GCCF for applications

Payment to BACs has been replaced with a direct payment to the Office using these forms below. Those candidates who are currently already a “BAC Steward, Pupil Judge or Full Judge already on one of the lists within Section 6 JPG (Imperial Grand Group Commitee) use the “Old Scheme” form. This is £30.

Any brand new application to be a Steward in S6 across all 3 Breeds or you are a Full Judge another section and not on any S6 lists, use the New Scheme payment form, this is £50 to apply across all 3 breeds in section 6.

Email this form to with your payment reference and include the JPGs6 and name for this section as the reference.

New Scheme

Old Scheme

Forms For GCCF Qualified Stewards

These forms are for GCCF qualified stewards to move to the next level of Training towards becoming a GCCF Pupil Judge.

As currently, there no vote to become a BAC Steward, you enroll into the stewardship by individual breed list, currently, within section 6

Application to enrol

Stewarding Form

Evidence of Veterinary

Application to be a Pupil Judge

Forms For Judges

These forms are for Pupil Judges to submit evidence of their training and to apply to be a Full Judge.

Existing Full Judges outside S6 or only on 1 or 2 of the S6 breeds, who wish to apply to this section, should use the form “from another breed list” and continue to use the tutorial and assessment forms below.

All these forms must be submitted to the JPG Secretary.

Application to be a Pupil Judge from another Breed List

Pupil Judge Show Tutorial Form

Seminar Tutorial Notification

Pupil Judge Assessment Form

Veterinary Evidence Assessment Form

Pupil Judge – Application Form to Full Judge

Application Form to be Full Judge after Deferment or re-instatement

Guidance Documents

The guidance documents below are available to stewards and judges and will help when handling and judging cats in section 6.

GCCF Handling Document

Wrong Colour Guide

Download All Forms

If you want to download all the forms in both PDF and Word then use the link below.